I am a business
or organization

The City of Vancouver is seeking businesses and organizations that can donate or provide low-cost products and services to support its COVID-19 response work. If your business has large quantities of medical supplies, cleaning products or food that you are able to offer, please complete the following form

Donate or offer food, goods and services

The City of Vancouver is seeking businesses and organizations that can donate or provide low-cost products, food and services to support its COVID-19 response work. Please submit the following form if your business or organization has:

  • Large quantities of medical supplies

  • Large quantities of cleaning products

  • Services to donate

  • Ability to offer prepared meals, groceries or food related supplies or services

  • Other – please tell us how your business can help

Fill Out Form

Please note submission of this form is not confirmation the City can accept your donation offer – the City of Vancouver will get in contact with you to discuss further.

Monetary donations

Making a financial contribution to an organization involved in disaster relief is the best way of helping people in need. The Vancouver Foundation has launched a Community Response Fund – A collaborative multi-sector partnership to rapidly deploy essential relief to charities that provide frontline services to people and organizations that are disproportionately impacted by the pandemic and its economic consequences.

Vancouver Foundation – Community Response Fund

Learn More

Greater Vancouver Food Bank


Canadian Blood Services


Do not go in person to these locations. Please visit their websites and learn more how you can get involved.